As an artist and Native Californian...

I am drawn to the beauty of my surroundings.  I paint places that hold special significance to me . Many of these areas are pristine and unaffected by people.

I want people to look at my paintings and be drawn in, to feel the power and soul of the wild, natural world. 

My paintings reflect my ability to see things in the Wild. I am at ease and free on the trail. I feel peace when painting a river that runs through rock, or sitting on the edge of a cliff, dropping down to the sea.

When painting, I am capturing a moment but searching for timelessness.  As a painting evolves, there is change and dynamism. The light shifts, paint and water move, colors blend, often unpredictably. This spontaneity can be magical.

Through my art, I  communicate the deep connection I have with the spirit and presence of the landscape.